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General company profile
Our mission is to facilitate Clinical Research professionals to excel in their job for the benefit of patients. We aim to achieve this by providing clinical research professionals with competencies to develop new therapies for patients quicker & more efficient, without jeopardizing quality.
The ECCRT is a professional clinical research training provider focussing on the transfer of implementable knowledge in the day-to-day activities of our participants whether being starters on the job or seasoned professionals.
The ECCRT is in its actions supportive of the Benjamin Franklin's statement: “You tell me, and I forget. You teach me, and I remember. You involve me, and I learn.”
The ECCRT is a professional clinical research training provider focussing on the transfer of implementable knowledge in the day-to-day activities of our participants whether being starters on the job or seasoned professionals.
The ECCRT is in its actions supportive of the Benjamin Franklin's statement: “You tell me, and I forget. You teach me, and I remember. You involve me, and I learn.”
Company activities:
We have developed a series of training programmes for people wanting to enter the exciting field of clinical research, even without previous experience. Ranging from introduction courses to more advanced sessions, we offer solutions for everyone. Since this year we have started with a new programme, called Junior Clinical Researcher STAR Programme, which does not only offer training sessions, but also traineeships for 1 year in a hospital, pharma and CRO setting. The outcome of this programme is that you will have acquired 1 year of practical experience, increasing your chances to find a job significantly.
We are looking for
We offer a wide variety of training solutions, we invite you to take a look at our various training possibilities to find out how we can support you!
What we have to offer
You are interested in personal career development? You want to know more about Clinical Research? Great, we can help you! For over 15 years the ECCRT is well-known for delivering high-quality training. We emphasise on content and methodology, we deliver training material in an interesting format and immerse you with tons of day-to-day examples. For this reason we have a vast group of returning clients; they know that we have an individual approach to our trainees, that our trainers are field experts and that we make a difference. Still not convinced? Check out the numerous testimonials or references on our website.
Company info

Cantersteen 47 - 1000 Brussels
Name contactperson
Benedikt Van Nieuwenhove
Phone number
+32 (0)25040720
Number of locations:
Active in sectors
Bio/Life Sciences, Pharma
Type of organisation