
Science At Work - Science@Work

General company profile

Science@Work offers scientific talent the best permanent and temporary jobs across the Netherlands and Belgium in Life Sciences, pharmaceuticals, food and chemistry. We offer MLO up to PhD level jobs ranging from laboratory, QC, research, production, scientific sales, management, clinical to Quality Assurance.

Science@Work is a specialised division of the international Pauwels recruitment group with 1,500 professionals working on a daily basis and 20 offices across Europe.

Company activities:

Permanent and temporary recruitment within biotech, pharma, chemistry and food across the Netherlands & Belgium.

We are looking for

Scientific & laboratory Talent throughout the Netherlands & Belgium at MLO, HLO/BSc, WO/MSc and PhD level

What we have to offer

Permanent and Temporary jobs across the country at Top Employers.

Company info

Naritaweg 219, 1043 CB, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Name contactperson
Moniek Kuipers
Phone number
Number of locations:
Number of employees
Active in sectors
Bio/Life Sciences, Chemistry, Food, Pharma, Medtech
Type of organisation
Recruitment office

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