Careerpath - Manager Regulatory Affairs and Pharmacovigilance

Froucke de Haan

Froucke de Haan

Job title: Manager Regulatory Affairs and Pharmacovigilance
Company: MyTomorrows
Highest level of education: MSc. Medical Biotechnology and Innovation Management

MyTomorrows provides through its digital platform, information and access to treatment options within Clinical Trials & Early Access Programs. At MyTomorrows, we believe everyone should be able to be informed of the treatment options which are open to them. We strive to make it easier for physicians and their patients with unmet medical needs to find, get information about, and access pre-approval medicines whenever possible. My main responsibility is to inform the medical community on the local regulations which make it possible to treat patients with unregistered medicine and arrange the authority (e.g. ministry of health) approvals for patients. And when treated ensure the safety of patients are monitored. What I really enjoy is to work in a company with such an important mission, helping patients find new/innovative treatment when in need. I also enjoy the international aspects and the dynamic environment (as a semi start-up company). If you are interested in this field it is important that you understand pharmaceutical development, from both clinical and manufacturing perspective.

How did you encounter this job?
Networking, through a former colleague.

Can you tell a little bit about the application process you went through?
Upon request I provided my CV to the HR Director, then three rounds of face to face meetings with relevant people for my position. Finally the contractual negotiation by phone and email.

What was challenging for you when you started in this position?
Getting up to speed on all the regulations regarding early access to medicine.

What are your tips for jobseekers in your field?
• Surround yourself with inspirational people;
• Always do your job as best you can (even if it doesn’t appear to be the most challenging job) as this will be noticed;
• Move to another job when you get negative about the coffee ;-)
• Regulatory jobs usual require experience in another field of the clinical/pharmaceutical development.



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