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Bizkaia Talent
General company profile
During the last years, the Regional Government of Biscay has developed a policy on science, innovation and technology with the aim of developing a comprehensive territorial strategy of talent management, thus supporting the Biscayan economy and preparing it to face the challenges of the future.
bizkaia:talent is a non-profit associative initiative promoted by the Regional Government of Biscay, in collaboration with a group of major and cutting-edge Biscayan companies and universities. Bizkaia:talent is a platform for attracting, retaining and linking talent, fostering innovation and advanced knowledge in Biscayan organizations in fields, such as, automotive, aeronautics, energy, biosciences and ICT.
bizkaia:talent is a non-profit associative initiative promoted by the Regional Government of Biscay, in collaboration with a group of major and cutting-edge Biscayan companies and universities. Bizkaia:talent is a platform for attracting, retaining and linking talent, fostering innovation and advanced knowledge in Biscayan organizations in fields, such as, automotive, aeronautics, energy, biosciences and ICT.
Company activities:
Our strategy for the talent in Bilbao-Biscay seeks:
• To make Bilbao-Biscay a choice destination-brand amongst professionals and researchers;
• To provide services and programs (recolation advisory service, aid services,intermedation service...) that facilitate the identification, access and incorporation of the talent required in organizations and projects;
• To create and develop social networks and communities of practices.
• To make Bilbao-Biscay a choice destination-brand amongst professionals and researchers;
• To provide services and programs (recolation advisory service, aid services,intermedation service...) that facilitate the identification, access and incorporation of the talent required in organizations and projects;
• To create and develop social networks and communities of practices.
Company info

Number of employees
Active in sectors
Bio/Life Sciences, Chemistry, Food, Pharma