
Select Projects

General company profile

Select Projects is an international service provider in the area of Project Sourcing that operates in the technical and industrial sectors. We believe that it is our staff that make a difference. Their motivation, passion, and effort combined with the expertise that we collectively offer, form the basis of our success formula.

Company activities:

As a technical partner, we provide project support for customers in different fields, namely Life Sciences, Maritime & Offshore, (Petro)chemistry, Rail and Power. Industries where speed, quality and reliability are required.

What we have to offer

The way we see it, every employee is unique and so are you. And understanding that takes time. You can count on our consultants to take that time and be at the forefront of your career. With our elaborate network covering a broad spectrum of employers, we go above and beyond for our clients, after an elaborate analysis of your dreams and needs. What does this mean for you? You gain direct access to the very depths of the recruitment departments of your dream employers through one single contact point.

Company info

Klipperstraat 15, 2030 Antwerp, Belgium
Name contactperson
Charlot Van Ussel
Phone number
0479 74 89 42
Number of locations:
Number of employees
Active in sectors
Bio/Life Sciences, Chemistry, Pharma
Type of organisation

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