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General company profile
Baden-Württemberg reconciles apparent opposites. Excellent job prospects and picturesque rural landscapes. Tradition and innovation. Regional, family-run businesses and global market leaders. Cutting edge technology and the peace and quiet of untouched nature. Things that don’t really go together? Oh yes, they do! In THE LÄND.
Baden-Württemberg or better known as THE LÄND is the third largest state in Germany and is home to 11 million inhabitants. It is known for the creativity of its people, for the groundbreaking innovations that have originated here, for the beautiful landscape and its great academic institutions. Baden-Württemberg is home to global players like Bosch, Daimler, Porsche and SAP. It is also known for start-ups and small and medium businesses that are working on technologies of the future.
It is also one of the top regions for the healthcare industry: In terms of the absolute gross value added respectively to the number of employees, the German Southwest is the most important location for the industrial healthcare industry in Germany. The strongest sector is the well-established medical technolo¬gy sector. In addition to traditional areas such as surgical instruments, endoscopy and dental products, digitalisation plays a particularly im¬portant role. Furthermore, BW is home to man¬ufacturers of classical andgeneric drugs as well as producers of herbal medicines. The pharmaceutical industry in Germany's Southwest is strong in exports. Apart from a large number of owner-managed companies and mi¬cro and small enterprises, a considerable num¬ber of subsidiaries of multinational corporations exist in this sector. The biotechnology sector, the third and youngest branch of the healthcare industry in BW, is typified by its strong ties to science and the high intensity of research.
Baden-Württemberg or better known as THE LÄND is the third largest state in Germany and is home to 11 million inhabitants. It is known for the creativity of its people, for the groundbreaking innovations that have originated here, for the beautiful landscape and its great academic institutions. Baden-Württemberg is home to global players like Bosch, Daimler, Porsche and SAP. It is also known for start-ups and small and medium businesses that are working on technologies of the future.
It is also one of the top regions for the healthcare industry: In terms of the absolute gross value added respectively to the number of employees, the German Southwest is the most important location for the industrial healthcare industry in Germany. The strongest sector is the well-established medical technolo¬gy sector. In addition to traditional areas such as surgical instruments, endoscopy and dental products, digitalisation plays a particularly im¬portant role. Furthermore, BW is home to man¬ufacturers of classical andgeneric drugs as well as producers of herbal medicines. The pharmaceutical industry in Germany's Southwest is strong in exports. Apart from a large number of owner-managed companies and mi¬cro and small enterprises, a considerable num¬ber of subsidiaries of multinational corporations exist in this sector. The biotechnology sector, the third and youngest branch of the healthcare industry in BW, is typified by its strong ties to science and the high intensity of research.
Company activities:
Baden-Württemberg International is the central location marketing agency for business and science in and for Baden-Württemberg. It represents THE LÄND.
At Baden-Württemberg International, we see ourselves as an organization that shapes the future using a proactive and integrated approach and makes a key contribution to the development of a state that is progressive and fast growing in the areas of business and science.
At Baden-Württemberg International, we see ourselves as an organization that shapes the future using a proactive and integrated approach and makes a key contribution to the development of a state that is progressive and fast growing in the areas of business and science.
We are looking for
We are looking for: Bright minds who want to realize their potential and build their careers in one of Europe's strongest regions. Whether as a PhD student at one of our four Universities of Excellence or as a professional in one of our world-leading companies, THE LÄND offers opportunities for every career path. Become part of a region that is unique in Europe, become part of THE LÄND.
Company info

International GmbH
Lautenschlagerstrasse 21/23
70173 Stuttgart, Germany
International GmbH
Lautenschlagerstrasse 21/23
70173 Stuttgart, Germany
Name contactperson
Daniela Todorovic
Active in sectors
Bio/Life Sciences, Chemistry, Food, Pharma, Medtech
Type of organisation