
Benson & Winch

General company profile

Human Capital is the biggest asset in any organisation and in any project undertaken. Every employee helps build the company’s foundation and fosters its growth.
Being close to our clients and candidates is part of Benson & Winch’s philosophy and success as both are our partners.
We act with integrity and honesty in every assignment we undertake.
We are passionate about what we do, passionate about people, about our job and we are determined to help you steer your career by always keeping a constructive and positive mindset, a human touch and a sense of humour!

Company activities:

When an organisation is facing a period of transition, change or growth and is in need of temporary human resources, Benson & Winch and its consultants will provide a swift and tailor-made solution. By integrating into the company within days, our consultants are immediately effective and provide the appropriate missing added value.
Benson & Winch provides high quality professional direct search services for midlevel to senior-level employees and for specialised roles. Building close partnerships with our clients helps us understand their business and their strategic goals. Understanding a company’s culture and working methods or personal aspirations is essential.
Integrity and confidentiality are core values that we want to share with all our stakeholders.

We are looking for

Bachelor-, Master-, PhD-graduates, postdocs and professionals in Life Sciences activities.

Company info

Tervurenlaan 36-38 , 1040 Brussels
Name contactperson
Zola Magalie
Phone number
Number of employees
Active in sectors
Bio/Life Sciences, Chemistry, Pharma
Type of organisation
Recruitment office

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