Educate employees

BCF Courses

Recruiting the right people for your organisation is just the first step. The right training and education will give them a jumpstart in your company and help them realise their full potential and ultimately lead to a better output for your business. With BCF Courses, we offer various training programmes and courses to help professionals in Life Sciences with advancing their careers.

BioBusiness Summer School

An intensive 5-day course for young professionals on basic knowledge of main business topics, such as product development, intellectual property rights, business models and finance. For more info and registration:

BioBusiness Winter School

Online course to kick-start a career in the European Life Sciences. For more info and registration:

TAP BioBusiness

Talent Accelerator Programme for BioBusiness (TAP BioBusiness) is a training & mentoring programme for the next generation BioBusiness leaders for the Dutch and Belgium Life Sciences & Health sector! For more info and registration:

Grant Application Course

Two day online course on writing successful grant applications. For more info and registration:

CFO: "What happens if we train them and they leave? CEO: What happens if we don't and they stay?"


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