Attracting the best candidates is not easy. You need to raise your profile and increase your visibility to let potential job seekers know that you are out there. BCFcareer can help you to do just that. With our online platform and our live career events, we offer year-round possibilities for companies to improve their employer branding and get in touch with talents in Life Sciences. Post your company profile on, to get year-round exposure for your company and increase your employer brand.
Increase your visibility

Company profile Basic
Company profile published online for 12 months on
Including 1 free job posting (self)!
€ 495 (excl. VAT)
Company profile Premium
Company profile published online for 12 months on
Company profile included in the upcoming BCF Career Guide
Possibility to submit company news for
Including 1 free job posting (self)!
€ 850 (excl. VAT)